Christian Books Just for Children

Gloria Jean's Books:



1. Angels All Around Me

A book about how angels are sent by God to protect children, no matter where they might be. (24 pages)


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2. My Very Own Book About Gardening

A book that explains to children how to harvest the vegetables and fruits that were planted in their garden. (32 pages)








3. What Is Easter?

This book explains to children what Easter is really all about. (32 pages)


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4. The Christmas Star

The Christmas Star

This book that explains to children the true meaning of Christmas. (38 pages)


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5. Heaven

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This book explains to children how heaven will be. (63 pages)


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6. What is Love?

What is Love? width=

This book illustrates the Biblical answer with contributions from children. (79 pages)


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7. The Girl From Silicon Valley

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This book is Gloria's memoirs about growing up in Silicon Valley. (428 pages)


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8. A Boy Named Siegfried

A Boy Named Siegfied width=

This book is Fred's memoirs about growing up in Germany and coming to America. (81 pages)


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9. "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

Daily Devotional

This is a Daily Devotional. (393 pages)


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